Read BookSiva Sutras The Yoga of Supreme Identity

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Published on: 2012-10-30
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Original language: English
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The Saiva philosophy of Kashmir is generally called Trika Sastra, because it is philosophy of the triad ñ (1) Siva (2) Sakti (3) Nara ñ the bound soul or (1) para ñ the highest (2) parapara ñ identity in difference and (3) apara ñ difference. The literature of the Trika system of Kashmir falls into three categories, viz., (1) the Agama Sastra, (2) the Spanda Sastra and (3) the Pratyabhijna Sastra. Agama Sastra is considered to be revelation by Siva. It lays down both the principles and practices of the system. The most important Agama of the Trika system was known as the Siva Sutras. Siva Sutras are considered to be a revealed book of the Yoga: supreme identity of the individual self with the Divine. Here and English translation of the Siva Sutras has been provided, together with an abstract of each sutra, throws a flood of light on the entire system of Saiva Yoga. A glossary of technical terms and index are appended for the convenience of the reader. Four commentaries on Siva Sutras are available at present, the Vimarsini commentary of Ksemaraja in prose, the Siva-sutra-vrtti by some anonymous author in prose, the Siva-sutra-varttikam by Varadaraja in verse. The Siva-Sutra-vrtti is so close to Vimarsini that it appears to be either a preliminary draft or a later abstract of the Vimarsini. There is a strong presumption that the author of the Vrtti was Ksemaraja himself. siva sutras all - Caitanyamatma = Caitanyam + Atma. Chaitanyam is the transcendental aspect of Chittam or Cit in man. Chaitanyam is Universal Consciousness having absolute Jnana Sakti ... Vedanta - Wikipedia Etymology and nomenclature. The word Vedanta literally means the end of the Vedas and originally referred to the Upanishads. Vedanta was concerned with the ... All About Hinduism - Divine Life Society "ALL ABOUT HINDUISM" is intended to meet the needs of those who want to be introduced to the various facets of the crystal that is Hinduism. Lunar Phases & the Nitya Devis - 7.Dhruti 8.Sasichini 9.Chandrika 10.Kanta 11.Jyostna 12.Shree 13.Preeti 14.Angada 15.Poorna and 16.Poornamruta. These 16 kalas are ruled by the 16 Nitya Devis. History of Yoga Yoga Basics rabi Our history of yoga is drawn from the ancient scriptures of India and none of these texts mention the words Hindu or Hinduism. That is because the Vedas and ... Shiva - Wikipedia Shiva ( Tamil; / i v /; Sanskrit: iva lit. the auspicious one; Hindi: ) is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is the supreme ... Yoga Sutras: Pada 3 Vibhuti - RainbowBody Patanjali's yoga Sutras Chapter 3: Vibhutti Pada (an exposition on the perfection of yoga Hindu Scriptures - Click on underlined words to open paragraph. Hindu Scriptures Part 1. The Srutis. The Four Vedas And Their Sub Divisions. The Mantra Samhitas. The Brahmanas and The ... Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Raja Yoga - Yoga Meditation Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 Concentration Samadhi Pada. Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 Practice Sadhana Pada. Yoga Sutras Chapter 3 Progressing Vibhuti Pada. Yoga Sutras Chapter 4 BRAHMA SUTRAS - The Divine Life Society Inside Front Cover. A clear and easy exposition by Swami Sivananda. Swamiji in his own inimitable way explains the Brahma Sutras to all aspirants of Truth ...
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